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Ana Seixas | BIO

Zwischenfach SOPRANO, who works as a soloist for the Italian Opera Florence Company and for the Ensemble "Phileas Fogg", Milan.
Awarded in numerous national and international competitions, she recently won the 1st prize for the best interpretation at the VII International Opera Singing Competition Felice Lattuada, in Italy.
Ana performs regularly in recitals and in the operatic field, in prestigious theaters, such as the Opera and Ballet Theater of Komi, Russia, the Teatro Chiabrera of Savona, or the Teatro Verdi of Cascina Terme, Italy.
Ana sang all over the world: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Brazil and the United States of America. She played the main character in the first lyrical short film in the world, recording "Il Formaggio" by David Boldrini for the label "Movimento Classical". This recording won the audience award in February 2022, at the Edith Piaff International Animation Festival in Paris. She is the Artistical Director of the "Teatro Aurora da Liberdade", Matosinhos, Portugal and the CEO of the Opera Company "Florence Opera Concerts", in Florence, Italy, launched in May 2024.

Holding a Master Degree in Opera Singing and Performance and a Master Degree in Vocal Chamber Music, she has also finished the Post-HBO in Music for Music Education at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam in June 2024.

Ana Seixas

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